Monday, December 03, 2007

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

It's a brand new week, and I have a brand new book in hand! And boy, I'm glad I got my hands on it!! The book as you must have guessed by now is 'Secrets of the Millionaire Mind' by T. Harv Eker. I think Anamiraa recommended this book previously (Thanks Ana!). I was actually attracted to it's cover and when I viewed it's content, I made up my mind to purchase it right away. I bought other books as well and using my trusty MPH member card, I'd managed to collect myself points and received free book vouchers (festive seasons people!).

What's so great about this particular book? Well, it provides you with the missing link between your desire for success and your achievement of success. Now this is very important since, nearly everybody wants to be successful and rich. And most of these wannabees have the intense desire to be so. But what is it that's lacking in many that they haven't achieved this success or richness? Could it have something to do with the economic downturn? Limited opportunities? If no, then what?

Ahaa.. I have yet to find out.. But for now, the chapter I'm reading refers to our financial blueprints. These are our preprogrammed thoughts on success and money. And how the results we have or see in ourselves now is actually contributed by the programming we've had in the past. Redo the program and you are most likely going to get a different and more desirable outcome should you have done it correctly. That's what I'm trying to find out in this book. That and many, many other secrets which will soon be revealed to my eyes/mind/soul.

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