Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Success Team

Wow! I can't believe I'm now part of a Success Team! Lead by.. guess who... yeass, Zamri Nanyan!!

I've been following his blog closely for the past few months. Not in the stalker kind of way (ofcourse ;P), but more to gather info on internet marketing and exceptional ways to multiply your income. I signed up for his ecourse and got some ideas about writing ebooks. Then oneday, a banner caught my eye and it was that of Success University (SU)! Seemingly that Zamri had written a few entries on SU, I decided to check it out. Signed up for their 14 days trial and next thing you know, I was hooked!! This thing is major! And apparently it's making waves wordwide. People all over are singing praises on how SU has helped them in many areas of Personal Development. What's more, SU is a lifelong learning program that's well tested to take you to the top. Provided you're willing to be coachable.

It's alot about leadership development, networking and endless pursue of knowledge. All of which I love and am greatly excited about! I've been losing sleep for many nights now, thinking about how much more I want to learn and gain from this program. Basically, for me since I have a day job my free hours are after my son's gone to bed. So that's the time I've allocated to work on my SU program. I have a wonderful mentor and team members who are just as psyched as I am about making this program work hard for us!

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